Monday, April 5, 2010

The Fine Art of Virtual Flirting, or How to Get Some Play

As with writing in general, the art of flirting is dependent on your observational skills. Really good flirting isn't about the wordplay nearly as much as it's about the nonverbal cues. The first step to flirting is letting someone know you've seen them. Make brief eye contact. How do you write that? Whip out your thesaurus and you might glance at someone, glimpse her or meet his eyes briefly through the crowd. However you do it, don't stare. A stranger staring at you is just creepy. Smile and look away, then look back to see if the object of your interest is smiling. A smile and confident stance look good on everyone (see, your mama was right when she told you to stand up straight). To strike up a conversation, ask a question that requires more than a yes or no to answer but isn't too personal or lewd. This means, "What position do you most enjoy during sweaty sex?" is not appropriate even if it is what you'd most like to know.

The glance and look away rule changes once you're actually speaking with the flirtee. At that point you want to look into your potential lover's eyes. If he or she doesn't volunteer eye color, ask. It'll give you an excuse to lean into your partner's personal space, and breaking that social barrier is important for successful flirting. Create any reason to get close. Ask if that wonderful smell is your chat cohort's perfume or cologne. It's almost expected that you'll lean in for a sniff. Touching the the hand or arm during conversation is a great cue that someone is interested. If you initiate the touch, keep it brief and above the waist. People touch themselves when they are attracted to someone they are talking to, so fiddling with your hair or shooting your cuffs or twirling a ring are all signs the other person might pick up. Touching another person's face is very intimate. If you're getting positive signals and want to get closer, try noticing a stray eyelash on his cheek and delicately plucking it off. Perhaps the glass of champagne you sent over has smeared her lipstick. Ask if you can fix it for her. If you're thumb brushes her lip when you wipe the smudge of crimson away with the napkin it's a bonus. Ladies, want him to touch you but he's a little slow to get the idea? Don't you hate when your dangling earring gets caught in your sweater? Or when the tag on your blouse is itching like crazy?

While you're talking lean in. It's a natural response to lean forward when you're interested in someone. Point your feet at the person you're talking to, even if that means swiveling your bar stool. Mirror the actions or speech pattern of your partner. I don't mean be a parrot, but sipping your cocktail when they drink or crossing your ankles when she crosses her legs conveys the idea that you're in sync. Don't monopolize the conversation. Ask questions without sounding like the Spanish Inquisition (which no one expects, by the way), and volunteer information about yourself sparingly. It feels good when someone is intrigued by you, so showing your genuine interest is bound to be sexy. Laugh and smile often (another good time to head for the thesaurus to grin, smirk, beam, and smile wryly or happily or idiotically). And while you're flirting look for the signs that indicate your partner's interest as well.

So now you have a potential lover. The ice is broken, flirting is going well and it's looking like you're going to be bumping pink parts shortly. How are you going to make the transition from flirting to fucking? Just as in real life, the answer depends on the situation. If you're flirting in a bar you'll have to make a move. Some options include a posh unisex bathroom, coat room, up the elevator to your hotel room or down the street to your place. (The taxi ride could be hot.) If you're in an office, for example, bent over the desk or in the boss' chair might be the way to go. Maybe the janitor's closet or car in parking garage if you want a meeting on the sly. And the best way to get from the bar stool to naked is ask. "Would you like to go somewhere quieter?" "Want to get naked?" "I'd like to show you this thing I can do with my tongue. Wanna see?" Ask and ye may receive!

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